#AppleWatch #SmartWatch - There's a lot of chatter right now on what sort of madness it'll be
seeing the prices of the highest-end Apple Watch Edition devices this
Spring. But check it out - they aren't being made to sell to the same
people that buy iPhone 5c. The 18k gold Apple Watch Edition isn't going
to be aimed at a person who doesn't buy the most expensive iPhone.
Remember when it was insane to think that Apple would make a gold
iPhone? That happened! The Apple Watch Edition could very well cost many thousands of
dollars. Can you imagine paying may thousands of dollars for a
wristwatch? If you think that's a crazy amount of money for a watch, you've
clearly never purchased a high-end watch. $10,000 doesn't even begin to
scratch the surface for how much a watch made with precious metals
costs. It's not even close to how much a limited edition watch - a NEW
watch, mind you - can cost.
Apple will not be selling massive amounts of Apple Watch Edition
devices. They're going to sell massive amounts of the Sport and Watch
models. That's very clearly the plan. No longer will Apple have to watch people bling out their hardware with gems like this monstrosity right here. The most expensive phone you can buy from Apple right now is an
off-contract iPhone 6 Plus with 128GB of internal storage. That'll cost
you $949 USD. Gold and diamond-encrusted iPhones from bling-flingers cost millions. Right around the corner is a time when Apple can successfully take in all the cash that their customers wish to give them.
The people who want to buy the best and most expensive hardware because
it is the best and most expensive hardware - they will be satiated. The Apple Watch will be launching this spring. Soon.
Title : Apple Watch Edition is not for you
Description : #AppleWatch #SmartWatch - There's a lot of chatter right now on what sort of madness it'll be seeing the prices of the highest-...